It has been awhile since I have posted on this blog. A summer storm took out my computer and printer (horrors!). Luckily, insurance covered it and my Droid phone allowed me to pick up emails and Facebook, but unfortunately, this new computer has a mind of it's own. It changes the font, decides to underline, pops up deleted screens, and worse of all....suddenly deletes everything I have typed! So will start this, and see how long before it all goes POOF in front of my eyes
So what you have missed (unless you have Facebook and email, in which case you have already learned more about my life than you could possibly be interested in), I became a horse owner again. This time I have a 5 year old red roan quarter horse gelding which I call Monte. He is very sweet and calm, and although was trained to be a heeler roper, has done well for me on the trails. Nope, no plans to get a truck and trailer again, or haul back and forth to Minnesota (unless I win the lottery!), so will just ride around the Barber Ranch where I keep him. I feel complete again, but if my health or finances make it too difficult to ride, he will be an easy horse to place in a good home.
It was an impromptu trip...but so fun, when Lori called to say that her son Nick, who serves in the Marines in the Presidential helicopter detail, was going to be in town when President Obama was flying into Minneapolis. Mom and I got tickets, and met Mary, Lori, Terri and Pam in Minneapolis and not only did we see Nick and meet his girlfriend, Brookie, but we got to see the Presidential helicopter! It was interesting going into the hanger, having to show young Marines carrying guns our ID's, and sign in with our social security numbers, but such a treat to see such an important craft!!!!
I also had a set back in October when I found myself in the ER and hospital with a case of viral meningitis. Bad part....horrible headaches and nausea. Good part...morphine. Another good part was that I was still under Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Bad part....the 20% of the $30,000 bill that I am stuck with. Have another insurance now, which doesn't pay much, so hopefully, will stay well until I go on Medicare....in another year!
November brought a visit from my daughter, Jen, her almost-two year old son, Daniel, and her husband, Niels...and his parents from Holland! Was a fun holiday, and so fun getting to know that cute toddler. Was fun showing the Dutchies Wickenburg, and seeing all the wonderful pictures Niel's father captured. He is a professional photographer, and I was lucky to download all his photos from the trip. I got them comped rooms in Las Vegas for two nights, so while they visited Hoover Dam, Oatman, and the sights in Sin City, Mom and I got Daniel all to ourselves, and had such fun introducing him to the ranch, horses, dogs and cats! Jen has shrunk about 5 sizes due to her new eating plan and excercise program, and looks great!
Mary came to visit for two weeks in December, and as usual, was a whirlwind of energy. We visited the River Preserve and VultureMine, and spend a couple of days in Laughlin and Las Vegas. What we were short on money, we were long in laughs and adventures. She hit Moms "Honey Do" list, and joined me in dance lessons at the Rancher and line dances at the clubhouse. What we lack in dancing ability and coordination, we make up for in make a fun time of everything!
And now it is almost the end of another year and approaching Christmas. Tomorrow I will pick up my former roommate, Pam who will stay for two weeks. Will be fun having company over the holidays! And another eventful year will come to an end. I wish I could say that our country is no longer in a war, that the economy has boomed, and that everyone had health care provided. Unfortunately, those wishes didn't come true, but I have been so blessed with wonderful friends and family. My mother will celebrate her 90th birthday in February, and all my sisters plan to be here to mark the occasion. I have Minnesota riding friends coming for Gold Rush Days next month and the Caballeros Ride in April. I am so lucky to live in this dry, warm climate that makes the darn arthritis more bearable, and to have a teaching pension, which keeps me off the streets.
So start dreaming for the new year. We know that we can't escape the sad times that will surface, but we must keep seeing the beauty of nature, our grandchildren and family, and the joys of friendship. We can always hope and anticipate.....and let's hope that many dreams will come true in 2011. Merry Christmas, everyone!