Can't believe my first winter of retirement in Arizona is almost over. Just a few more days to pack up, close up, and Bart, Wylee and I will be heading back to Minnesota for the summer. It has been a much busier winter than I anticipated, and I have loved living in my cozy winter home. Bart and Wylee are feeling at home, and will be interesting to see how they take the change and long journey north. It is a bit daunting to think I have to pack everything I will need for the next 5 months....for me, the dog and the horse! It looks like it will be a crazy summer, too, with my daughter's wedding shower in May, wedding in July, family reunion trip in August, class reunion in August, and many trail rides and camping trips have already been added to the calendar. And, of course, I'll want to spend time with my grandson, sisters and friends. Add in some golfing, fishing and casino runs, and the summer days will be busy ones. It will be interesting to live the gypsy life, staying with friends instead of my own home in Minnesota. But this is not to be scary.....it is an ADVENTURE!!!!!!