I picked him up and took him to my sister's home in northern Wisconsin. She and her husband have transformed a former gravel pit into a gorgeous garden spot with an ever-changing home. John is an incredible carpenter, and is always remodeling the home. The newest change is a remodeled bathroom with an awesome stone shower. My sister has become quite the gardener and grows all her own vegetables, plus a plethora of flowers in rock gardens all over the yard. She also has chickens, so CJ had a ball feeding them and gathering the eggs.
He was so eager to see the huge muskie statue at the Hayward Fishing Hall of Fame. It was closed when we got there, so we got a bucket of KFC and heading to the lake for a picnic and some sunny fishing from the lake shore. He had a ball swimming...and an incoming boater even took him for a short boat ride!
The next morning he was finally able to see that BIG fish and was so excited. It is such a treat to view things through the fresh eyes of a child. We also went to the Wilderness Walk, where he was able to pet deer, baby animals, and even a camel. It is a wonderful learning place for children, and such a relaxing place to walk through the woods while seeing spotted fawns following their mothers and read the informative signs about the trees, glacier formations and ecology.
I returned a dusty, sleepy boy back to his parents 30 hours later. They are fantastic parents and have done such a great job of raising a well-mannered child. I couldn't believe hearing him apologizing to my sister when he dripped some of his yogurt on the tablecloth, and asked for a cloth to clean it up! After 30 years of working with kids, I didn't think I would enjoy being around on so much....but he is special....MY GRANDSON!