Sunday, May 20, 2007


When we left Friday for Wild River State Park, it was a warm, sunny day. We set up camp and went for a nice ride through the pines. Our friends began to arrive with their living quarter horse trailers, and soon the park was bustling with campers unloading horses and setting up camp. After another nice ride in the afternoon, we enjoyed a nice campfire, conversation, adult beverages and dinner cooked outdoors. Saturday we again ventured out to explore the trails, and by the time we got back in for lunch, the sun was hot and we changed into shorts and sandals. Suddenly, a strong wind blew through, and the temps dropped for 85 to 60 and sent us scurrying for jeans and jackets. It was actually too cold and windy to have a campfire, so we all ate inside our campers. We got up to 38 degrees and huddled around the campfire awaiting our strong, hot coffee to stay warm. Ah, Minnesota....if you don't like the weather, just wait an hour!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


One of the joys of returning to Minnesota is being part of the Walleye Fishng Opener. A friend has a resort in the northern part of the state, and my sister and I were fortunate enough to have him take us out for the opener. We caught lots of northerns, some nice walleyes, and I even pulled in one keeper perch. It was a fun weekend of dancing at the Legion fish fry, fishing, eating fish, and arguing with and antagonizing each other. Fun to see the baby seester again!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Had a safe trip back to Minnesota. Found 2 great places for Bart to relax overnight in New Mexico and Kansas, and he is now back at Longview Ranch where he is being called "Hollywood" as he is all sleek and glossy and the other horses still have some winter coat.
I am staying with a girlfriend who has a beautiful home and has made me feel so welcome. She has a lab mix named Hershey, and Wylee is enjoying running around the big park-like yard with his new friend. I keep my horse trailer here, and am only 1.5 miles from Longview, so very convenient.
I have had a chance to spent some time with my grandson, CJ, who has grown but is still funny and was so happy to see Bart and everyone at Longview again. He had to put on his cowboy hat, boots, jeans, plaid shirt, chaps, and vest which Sue and Paul got quite a kick seeing.
The weather has been great, and I have been riding Bart in the indoor and outdoor arenas and he is going wonderfully. I had trail rides to Crow Hassan Park planned for tomorrow and Sunday, but now rain is predicted. Welcome back to Minnesota....gotta grow those mosquitos!