It's done! My daughter, Jen, is now a married lady! As is so common now, both she and her husband are in their 30's, have their homes and professions, and chose to put on their own wedding ("so we can do everything OUR way!"). As my mother did at my wedding, I came to Ohio more like a guest, with all the arrangements having been made. Most of the guests were her friends, and my son, his wife and his son, and I were the only family members on my side, although her dad, his wife and her two daughters also attended.
Jen had put a lot of thought and planning into the event, and the weekend was crammed with preparations and activities. Guests and families arrived from as far away as Holland, as well as Michigan, Minnesota, Canado and Ohio....and one couple were able to attend as they were on a month's vacation from their job in China. So it was an international event....and they made plans to reflect that.
The weather was hot and muggy, as usual for Ohio in late July, but rain was avoided and the sun came out for the picture taking after the wedding. She arrived in a horse drawn coach, and was married in a gazebo surrounded by a lake. Her friends provided the music, and all looked impressive in their plum and platinum attire. Jen wore a beautiful long white gown with beading and was the traditional glowing, smiling bride.
After a buffet meal, cake and music for dancing, the couple left for a honeymoon night in Cleveland near the airport, where their flight to the Caribbean left at 6 am the following morning! I envy them walking the beach by the sea today!
I went to the Football Hall of Fame Monday morning before flying back to Minnesota. It was quite impressive, and of course, I concentrated on the Minnesota Viking exhibits. The Super Bowl rings were incredible!
So all the wedding preparations are over, and Jen is now a married lady. The wedding Princess Bride will return to reality next week with house to clean, meals to prepare, bills to pay,....but also presents to open and Thank You's to write!
I am also back to reality with unpacking, laundry, bills, and pictures to send. Would love to go out to ride Bart, but it is oppressively humid and 90 degrees, so will visit him instead and give him a nice shampoo and put him in his stall with a fan. A few more days of unwinding, then pack and again drive north for a friend's 60th birthday party and a class reunion the following weekend. This has been one busy summer!
Tomorrow is August first....a day I dreaded when I was teaching, as I knew summer was coming to an end and in a few weeks I would be back for teacher's workshop. Now I just think of 90 days until I will be back in Arizona! It has certainly been a busy, event-filled summer!