My sister, Lori, has about ended her 10 day visit. It was packed with eating, watching Packers at the sports bar, swimming in the pool, playing Gin 13 and Scrabble (think she still owes my big time at Gin 13, but the kid sister now beats me in Scrabble!), eating, drinking, going to the Rancher Bar for swing dance lessons, drinking, eating, more pool and cards, helping feed Bart, church, eating out at Anitas and Twin Wheels, toes done in Surprise, drinks under the starry skies by the bonfire, cigarette walks with Wylee, and did I mention eating.....chocolate, walleye, scallops, partridge and wild rice, homemade soup.....and she thought I couldn't cook!!!!!! Was fun having her here, and there will be a big empty hole here tomorrow when she leaves. Have a safe trip home, baby sister, and make a snow angel for me!!!!!
I think Wylee misses me the most!
what's going on down there? Check out my blog, I actually followed directions on a recipe today! YaHOO! Have fun with family around and Happy Thanksgiving! Love ya! lil' sis
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