The summer is over and I am back at my little home in Arizona. The last weeks were busy with good-byes, a wedding,and then a week riding in the Black Hills of South Dakota before driving through Colorado and Utah to haul Bart back for some desert riding this winter. The top picture is Bart and me at the top of an overlook....straight down a loooooog way behind us. The second picture is my last night in Minnesota, where my son, daughter-in-law and grandson met me at the ranch for a picnic, bonfire, and for CJ's last ride on Bart. It was a fun evening, but I will miss them. The bottom picture is with two of my riding buddies all gussied up for another riding friend's daughter's wedding. Hardly recognize each other when we get all dolled up and replace our Wranglers, boots and hats with our girly outfits! The trip down went well....beautiful country in Colorado with the snow capped mountains and golden aspens, and the arches in Utah, and the impressive rocks in Monument Valley, where so many of the John Wayne/John Ford movies were made. I drove 13 hours from the Black Hills to Grand Junction, CO the first day, and stayed at a beautiful show barn. Turns out the owner graduated with my college roommate's husband in Minnesota! The next day was a 10 hour drive to Flagstaff. The steep grades and sharp drops in Colorado were challenging.....I was driving 35 mph in low gear with the semis getting over those gorgeous mountains. The ranch at Flagstaff was beautiful and cool in the pines. A herd of elk walked through right behind Bart's pen, and it was a nice relaxing rest before the two hour drive home. Bart trailered well, and Wylee slept in his crate for most of the days. I came home to a welcoming house where Mom had fixed lunch and brought over my mail. So the week has been one of unloading the camper and cleaning it, doing lots of laundry, going through many emails and snail mail, putting everything away again, and getting Bart settled in again at the ranch. I rode him for the first time yesterday, and he seemed to remember his routine from last spring, and all went well. This morning I took Wylee for a long walk, swam and did aeronautics in the pool with Mom, and will head to the ranch this afternoon for a ride. And it is now like I had never left. It is good to be back among my 'tings and with Mom, but will miss my Minnesota friends and family. Hope they come for a visit this winter!
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