Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As the long, cold, snowy winter drags on in the north country, cabin fever sets in with a vengeance. People are tired of being inside, tired of fighting the snowdrifts and icy roads, tired of hunching against the cold as they slip and slide to their vehicles, and are ready for some SUNSHINE! The fun part of it for those who live in the south, is that we get to see our shivering friends and families as they take a winter break to come to the sunny Southwest.
I just enjoyed a weekend with a couple who ride with me in Minnesota. They are good people who love laughter, conversations, and the western style of this area. They rented some horses and Betts and I took them up riding in the hills, and they spent their time joining the cowboys at the Bar 7 for dinner, shopping, visiting the wonderful western museum, and I reluctantly said good-bye to them yesterday after sharing a breakfast at the Cowboy Cafe. They said they loved the western traditions they found here, and he said he could see himself coming down with their horses and living quarters trailer and spending a few warm months learning to rope and doing a lot of trail riding. So many have come here for a visit, and ended up coming back, and often spending the winters or retiring here. Wouldn't it be fun to have all those people that I enjoy horse riding and camping with in Minnesota spending their winters down here so we could continue our riding and camping when the weather turned cold up north? Now that is a fun possibility to contemplate!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Another Gold Rush Days has passed in this "Top Ten Western Town". It was a fun weekend of parade, rodeo, carnivals, craft tents, and everyone wearing their favorite western gear. The weather cooperated with warm, sunny skies and the town was packed with visitors. The town got a shot in the arm economically, although it seemed like the people going through the art and craft tents seemed to be doing more looking than buying this year. In this uncertain time, it is great to be able to enjoy a community celebration and forget the problems for awhile. This is the 61st year of this event, so it has weathered many rough times, and hopefully will for many years to come. Sometimes progress can conflict with a western lifestyle, and Wickenburg has seen the end of wooden sidewalks and many of the horse trails have been blocked by housing and eroded by quads. But this is a community that is proud of it's western heritage, and strives to keep a western feel to the town in architecture and events. A new plan is in place to preserve the horse trails and just completed a new trail head. The Gold Rush Days brought back the days of old....and hopefully, a promise of a western town to stay.

Friday, February 6, 2009


OK...I know the Cardinals lost the Super Bowl. But ya gotta admit, it was a great game and could easily have gone the other way. No one thinks the Cardnials have anything to apologize for for their first time in a Super Bowl. We are proud of our red birds!

And now it is the month of February....always a cold, snowy dark month in Minnesota. I used to always say "but it is a short month, and March can bring warmer, sunnier weather". But here in Arizona, it is spring already! The flowering trees next to the clinic are in bloom, and the days are getting longer. The weather has been in the sunny 70's and the days are getting longer, allowing a ride after work. And speaking of that, Wylee and I are off to join Bart in a ride right now....it will be light until 6, and we can enjoy a gorgeous desert sunset as we ride. What a way to end another week!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


David is taking on Goliath at the Super Bowl today. The Steelers have already won 5, and this is the first time to the Super Bowl for the Cardinals. Arizona has been pretty hyped up all week with lots of new coverage being on the game. I always root for the underdog, and since the Vikings never did win the BIG game, I am switching my support to the team of my adopted state....and will be cheering for the Cards today. I am used to thinking "THIS time my team will win it", so won't be too broken up if the Steelers win another one, but wouldn't it be a great day in Arizona if David could defeat Goliath again!!!!!!!