Desert Blooms
So many of the winter visitors headed north the past few months to go back to their summer homes....and often arrived to sit in snow, dark skies and rain! They left behind all their cactus in their yards which have been blooming in blossoms of white, yellow, coral, pink, and red. I have some newer cactus planting in my yard that are blooming for the first time, and they are the ones I have pictured. The desert willows are all in bloom along the streets in town, and the soaring saguaros have their white blossoms that will turn to fruit. The occotilla bushes are full of deep red, pink or white blosssoms and the bees have been busy harvesting for their honeycombs. Yes, the weather is now in the 90's (but it is a DRY heat, remember!), but the warm, dry sunny heat feels good to these ol' bones. It is also so good for the morale to see the sunny skies, colorful blooms, green bushes and leaves, and the ever-changing hues of the mountains every day. Will be nice to see the lakes and pines in the north again this summer, but am sure glad I didn't leave early and miss the beauty of this spring and approaching summer!
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