Saturday, January 23, 2010


At this point in the game, birthday's are often something to dread rather that celebrate. But thanks to family and friends, it was a great day. I received lots of fun Facebook messages, emails and cards, and the day was made special with a great ride on Bart in a nice warm sunny day. Then I went out for a yummy salmon dinner at Charley's Steakhouse, followed by dancing at the Rancher Bar....where "Happy Birthday" was sung to me by all the patrons there for the karaoke. I got lots of hugs and kisses and what can be better than to feel loved and enjoy an evening of dancing and laughter.

But after my birthday came the horror of the Haiti earthquake, and the sobering thoughts of so many who will never have the joys of celebrating another birthday. And even closer to home, Arizona has just experienced record rain along with flooding. A nearby town has been completely evacuated, some towns are needing to boil their contaminated drinking water, and many homes in the state have been damaged. And the saddest of all is the 6 year old boy who was washed out of his father's arms and swept down the rushing water. His body was just found today. He is the age of my grandson, CJ, and I can only imagine the pain that his family is feeling. His family will not have the joy of celebrating another birthday with him. It makes most problems pale in comparison.

And so I am another year closer to Medicare. Although the spirit feels young, the face in the mirror reminds me of the passing of time. But I am so thankful for friends and family, and the opportunity to enjoy life when around me, so many have lost that possibility. May I always remember to be grateful for life, and the precious gift of friendship and love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like the blue font, but I love the stories! It's just hard for my old eyes to read.
Quit having fun without me, anyway!
Sounds like you had a Blast for your birthday!
love ya SEES!