Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It was 5 days of celebrating the upcoming holidays and birthdays that we wouldn't be together to share, and of discovering the fun that having a toddler in the house can provide. The house seems awfully quiet now that they are all gone, and I understand why Mom used to be so sad when everyone left her house and the quiet she felt. I'm not getting much done, as I picked up a cold, and am spending my days under a quilt on the couch watching old movies (yesterday I saw very similar themes in "Price of Tides" and "Bridges of Madison County"). They had a safe trip home, but discovered that they had left the house and car keys attached to Daniels booster chair at the restaurant! Luckily, their dogsitter had a set of house and car keys so they could finally crawl into their own beds by midnight. The keys were found, and are being mailed to them in Ohio. So all ended well. Thanks for coming, Niels and Jen.....and thanks for your work on my computer, Niels, for the Christmas gifts, and the most special gift of all.....the wonderful time with darling Daniel Joel!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I tried to find the old pictures of my kids on their first horse rides, but instead spent time looking through old photo albums and reminiscing. I have a picture on my spacesaver that I love with my other grandson, CJ and Bart....and now Bart gets to carefully give another grandson his first horseback ride. Hard to believe that it was 40 years ago that I put a month-old Chris up on old Tater for his first feel of a horse under him. Time can go so quickly. We heard Trace Adkins sing "You're Going to Miss This" on the radio yesterday, and Jen teared up thinking how quickly the first year with her son has gone. She says his first birthday will be hard as her cuddly baby turns into an active toddler. I think the holiday seasons are sometimes joyful yet sad as we recall the memories of past holidays with family members who are no longer with us. I think of the excitement of Christmas as a child, then a mother with young ones, and now I am the grandmother. And Mom shakes her head thinking of her holidays over the past 88 years....and that now she is watching her great-grandson experience Christmas through fresh eyes....and it seems such a short time ago that she was making Christmas preparations for her own babies.
It has been a fun visit, but also one of remembering. Recalling the past, yet making new memories for the next generation to remember. No Trace...not SOMEDAY you'll miss this. It will be very soon.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Daughter Jen, hubby Niels and 11 month old Daniel arrived 40 minutes early from Ohio last night, and reached here by midnight. Daniel was good of the two flights, and slept most of the way. By the time we finished conversations and all were asleep it was after 2 am. Daniel didn't agree with the 2 hour time changes, so was awake and ready to play at 7. YAWN!!!!!

We have already gone to town and walked around to see the new statues. We just finished burgers from the grill, and Daniel is down for his second nap....and think there will be three adults joining him! When he awakens, they plan to take him to the pool....or out to see Bart and hit the pool tomorrow,

Had planned to have "Thanksgiving" tonight, but the big ol' turkey doesn't seem to want to thaw out in the frig, so will do that tomorrow with "Christmas"....then open presents. That will be fun with a little one.

He has been a real trooper....lots of giggles and grins to show off his 7 new teeth. He is starting to feed himself, wave, shake his head and says "Mama" and "Dadda". We are working on "Beautiful, sexy Gramma Chi", but not much luck, yet!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I reported the sad day last month when my good riding buddy had to put down her mare, Sweet Pea. I thought that would be the end of the rides with this wonderful equestian who is now in her 80's. But when asked if she would get another horse, she replied "Of course! What else would I do with my time?" And last week she delivered Tango to the ranch. She is a 4 year old Morgan bay mare, who is very refined and elegant. We were a bit concerned with the young age and lack of trail experience, but she has proven to be a level-headed, calm horse on the trails. We had a great ride today, and I hope it is one of many, many more for both of them!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Nettie wearing Mom's wedding dress

Loren caught the bouquet!

Just returned from Helena, Montana where Mom and I attended the wedding of my sister Ann's daughter, Annette to a great guy, Tony. It was an outdoor wedding, and the weather cooperated by the sun beaming during the vows. I enjoyed the drive we made on Sunday and seeing some of the beautiful country near their new home. They have been in a whirlwind the past month moving into their new home, painting, stripping wallpaper and remodeling the kitchen....and it was beautiful! The flights were on time, everyone gave Mom lots of special attention, and we had a great time. Wylee was boarded at a new "Cage free" facility, and appeared to have had a fun time with other small dogs. Was a quick weekend trip, but a great time, and of course, I have always loved Montana, and enjoyed seeing the mountains, lakes, and deer and antelope. Now good to be home, and bed will feel good in an hour!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


As many know, there is a great rivalry between the Minnesota Vikings and the Green Bay Packers. And when they play each other, it is THE game to watch! Since the Vikings beat the Packers when they played in Minnesota, they were out for revenge when the Purple People Eaters came to Lambeau Field today.....and there were some really mixed feelings seeing their beloved Brett Farve returning in purple!

I was sure that the game would be televised down here....but it turns out it was on at the same time as the Arizona Cardinals game, so the local team won out. Not to be deterred, Mom and I dressed in purple, went to the new sports bar to see the game. We were sure that they would have one screen off the Cardinals and on the big Viking-Packer game. But to our disappointment, they said they didn't have the NFL channel. We called around, and just when we thought we were out of luck, we were told that Anitas had satellite and would be showing THE game on at least one screen.

We had an hour before kickoff, so ordered a margarita, and brought a deck of cards to play some Gin 13. My cousin Linda joined us, and we were seated next to a table of guys dressed in green....from Wisconsin...so the rivalry with disparaging remarks and horn sounds began!

When game time approached, we asked to have the TV changed to THE game. We were given the remote....found the channel that said "Vikings vs Packers".....then read that this channel was not a paid for channel! We frantically went through the channels...others tried the remote...we talked with the bar tender.....but all was in vain. THE game was not going to be shown at Anitas. So we called the Sportsbar in Morristown, and at Los Cab....but no one had access to THE game.

We gave up and came home. I went online and "watched" the game on the play-by-play. I am very happy to report that the Vikings were successful in again beating the Packers, and the Cheeseheads had to admit that our "Cash for Clunkers" program was a good idea.....our gain was their loss.

I was concerned that Brett would get carried away with the excitement of the game, and forget that he was to throw to purple and not green on his way to his next Super Bowl ring, but he proved once again the champion that he is.......and POWER TO THE SENIORS!!!!!!