I tried to find the old pictures of my kids on their first horse rides, but instead spent time looking through old photo albums and reminiscing. I have a picture on my spacesaver that I love with my other grandson, CJ and Bart....and now Bart gets to carefully give another grandson his first horseback ride. Hard to believe that it was 40 years ago that I put a month-old Chris up on old Tater for his first feel of a horse under him. Time can go so quickly. We heard Trace Adkins sing "You're Going to Miss This" on the radio yesterday, and Jen teared up thinking how quickly the first year with her son has gone. She says his first birthday will be hard as her cuddly baby turns into an active toddler. I think the holiday seasons are sometimes joyful yet sad as we recall the memories of past holidays with family members who are no longer with us. I think of the excitement of Christmas as a child, then a mother with young ones, and now I am the grandmother. And Mom shakes her head thinking of her holidays over the past 88 years....and that now she is watching her great-grandson experience Christmas through fresh eyes....and it seems such a short time ago that she was making Christmas preparations for her own babies. It has been a fun visit, but also one of remembering. Recalling the past, yet making new memories for the next generation to remember. No Trace...not SOMEDAY you'll miss this. It will be very soon.
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