Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It was 5 days of celebrating the upcoming holidays and birthdays that we wouldn't be together to share, and of discovering the fun that having a toddler in the house can provide. The house seems awfully quiet now that they are all gone, and I understand why Mom used to be so sad when everyone left her house and the quiet she felt. I'm not getting much done, as I picked up a cold, and am spending my days under a quilt on the couch watching old movies (yesterday I saw very similar themes in "Price of Tides" and "Bridges of Madison County"). They had a safe trip home, but discovered that they had left the house and car keys attached to Daniels booster chair at the restaurant! Luckily, their dogsitter had a set of house and car keys so they could finally crawl into their own beds by midnight. The keys were found, and are being mailed to them in Ohio. So all ended well. Thanks for coming, Niels and Jen.....and thanks for your work on my computer, Niels, for the Christmas gifts, and the most special gift of all.....the wonderful time with darling Daniel Joel!

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