Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The news was full of forecasts for frost warnings last night, and this morning my sister's garden in Hibbing was hit with 28 degree freezing. The good news is that the mosquitos and bugs will be gone, but it also means summer will be gone as well. The shorts and sandals will be replaced with jeans and sweatshirts, and crockpots of chili will be bubbling in many kitchens this week. I noticed Bart's coat was showing an indication of a winter coat already. Hard to believe the air conditioner was blasting full blast just last week.
And as I notice the geese beginning to flock and form V's overhead as they anticipate their journey to the warmer southern country, I find myself also getting into that preparation mode. As I bought groceries yesterday, I thought that I probably wouldn't need to buy them again before heading to Arizona next month. When I cleaned the car today, I thought of needing to remember to put it on storage insurance, and pondered as to where I would store it this winter. It has been a very enjoyable summer with daughter's wedding, class reunion, fishing, golfing, camping and riding trips, and spending time with new and old friends.
Last week Mom flew up from Arizona to get out of the ongoing heat for awhile and see her family. She had a relaxing week up north at the resort. She came on a hot day with the AC on and she put on shorts for a pontoon ride. A few days later she experienced rain, which she hasn't heard all summer in Arizona, then dug out the jeans and sweatshirts as temps dropped to the 50's. It was fun having her, and when I put her on her plane for her flight home, reminded her that I would be back down there with her in about 6 weeks!


Anonymous said...

I made Chili Mac! Great comfort food for chilly days! When are you coming back up nort'?

Anonymous said...

time to put sumpthink new on yer blog, seester! Who has Wylee this weekend?